Well basiclly l want a script that rembers watever is typed in(p.s the name key log is cause one of my friends called it that l don’t think thats the real name of it though)
so yea a script that records watever is typed and stored in a word document or anyother program that is then saved under a folder which l will make
the problem is not recording the keystrokes, it’s passing on the keystrokes as if nothing is going on. that kind of transparency does not come easy. i think i saw a shareware keyboard logger on versiontracker for $15. you’ll probably want to jump on that if you can. tell your parents you’ll mow the lawn or something for $15.
there definatally going to give me $15 for mowing the lawn…mabye $5 wat would u give me if l had to mow ur lawn…
and to anyone reading message me
give me ur name + how much ud pay me if l was going to mow ur lawn
my email is killsquad92@hotmail.com
not that difcult to forget for me
basiclly wherever killsquad92 is thats where l have been
even some desks @ school
so yea email l’ll make a poll
Thanx qwerty
and yes l know it was going off subject but thats y l said EMAIL me not post in this board…
and well no one answered … were off to a good start