Exists Keyboard Addition for OS X ? Or is possible to control keyboard layout rotation by AppleScript in some else way ?
You can use the os-built-in System Events’ command “keystroke”:
tell application "System Events"
tell process "TextEdit"
set frontmost to true
keystroke "Hello"
end tell
end tell
This requires Panther or Jaguar with a beta installation of System Events (search this forum to find the link).
Or the superb Extra Suites:
tell application "TextEdit" to activate
tell application "Extra Suites" to ¬
ES type string "Hello" with use clipboard
Hi JJ,
perhaps this is misunderstanding.
I needn´t to control keyboard !
I need to swith between several keyboard layouts (scripts), for example US, Dvorak, Japan, Czech etc.
oopssss… Sorry. “keyboard layout”. OK.
I don’t thing it does exist a scripting addition for OS X as in the old “Switch Keyboard” osax. If you are still interested, you could do it programatically using “System Events”, but it is tedious and slow (using input commands, such as click-button-foo-of… then click-wherever-in-somewhere… then…)