Not sure. Is there a reason you are not inserting the text through AppleScript instead of using GUI scripting. It is more efficient and accurate.
Here is an example.
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
tell database "YourDatabaseName"
tell current record
set cell "cell_name" to "textinfo"
end tell
end tell
end tell
I’m well aware of “set cell” but the text data to be inserted isn’t going into a cell, rather, I’m using a web portal to call up a website and would like to automate the login process. The script works fine if it runs directly in Safari, but I was trying to avoid going outside of Filemaker, attempting a “clean & simple” workflow.
Ok, that makes a big difference. The reason it is not doing the tabs is because you do not have the webview focused.
An easy fix is to create a FileMaker Pro script called “webview” with one step and give your web view the Object name: “webview.”
Then in your script add this line just after “set process “FileMaker Pro Advanced”'s frontmost to true”
tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" to do script "webview"
Now when FileMaker Pro is activated it will select the webview object and all keystrokes will be sent to it.
Also, if you do not already know about this, Monkeybread Software has a plugin called MBS that allows JavaScript interaction with FileMaker Pro web views. It is pretty cool but the downside is it costs $100.
Fantastic! worked like a charm! Funny, thing is, I had thought of the focus object thing, but wasn’t quite sure how to implement it. So, thank you very much.