kill parallel desktop 8 in MAC

Hi all,
i want to kill the parallel desktop 8 which is opened in MAC on full screen mode. I have build an application when user click on that MAC restarts, but if parallel desktop is open in full screen mode it will ask for administrator privileges…what i want to do is kill the parallel desktop 8 from applescript then restart the machine through some commands.
previously for parallel desktop 7 i was using command (do shell script "killall -v prl_client_app -psn_0_258111)
which was working perfect for Parallel desktop 7 but this command is not working on 8… kindly guide.

NOTE: i used the script
NSString *scriptString = [NSString stringWithString:@“tell application "Parallels Desktop" to activate\n”
“tell application "System Events"\n”
“tell application process "Parallels Desktop"\n”
“tell menu "Virtual Machine" of menu bar 1\n”
“click menu item "Shut Down"\n”
“end tell\n”
“end tell\n”
“end tell\n”];
but this script just close the windows not whole parallel desktop.

Model: iMAC
Browser: Safari 534.57.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)