Latest Sierra broke scroll field scrolling

G’day folks.

I thought I’d finished my App, but the latest Sierra has broken my Scroll Field scrolling.

The present script takes 1 minute to trim excessive paragraphs, and a whopping 10 minutes or more to simly scroll to the end.

Used to be lightning fast.

I’ve found this recommended method to now use, but canot work out how to re-write it for ASObC.

- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification {
    NSTextView *text = [notification object];
    unsigned whyEnd = [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSTextMovement"] unsignedIntValue];
    NSTextView *newKeyView = text;
    // Unscroll the previous text.
    [text scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0, 0)];
    if (whyEnd == NSTabTextMovement) {
        newKeyView = (NSTextView *)[text nextKeyView];
    } else if (whyEnd == NSBacktabTextMovement) {
        newKeyView = (NSTextView *)[text previousKeyView];
    // Set the new key view and select its whole contents.
    [[text window] makeFirstResponder:newKeyView];
    [newKeyView setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(0, [[newKeyView textStorage] length])];

My old script is below, and the handler ’ScrollToEnd’ literally freezes on lines 2 & 3. Up to 15 minutes.

AnyBody kind enough to decipher the above, please?

As well, is there a faster way of removing excess lines from the top of the field, leaving the first 4 lines alone? (As in snippet below, which takes 1 minute)



	This  takes 1 minute
if (my reDrawTheText) then
				 set p to 1
				set (my theYear) to year of (current date)
				set adjustRange to (((my clientMax as integer) * 10) + 5) as integer
			 	set textStorage to mainMessagesView's textStorage()
				set textStorageString to mainMessagesView's |string|()
				set theRange to (count of (textStorageString's paragraphs)) as integer
			 	set theOffset to (count of paragraph 1 of textStorageString) + (count of paragraph 2 of textStorageString) + (count of paragraph 3 of textStorageString) + 4
				 	if theRange > (adjustRange + 40) then
				 	set c to current date
					set theCount to 0
						set y to (theRange - adjustRange - 8)
						if y > 14 then
							repeat with x from 5 to y
									set theCount to theCount + (count of characters of paragraph x of textStorageString) + 1
								on error errmsg
									if (my runForOz) then tell application "System Events" to display dialog errmsg giving up after 20
									exit repeat
								end try
							end repeat
						end if
					end try
					set textStorage to mainMessagesView's textStorage()
				 	tell textStorage to replaceCharactersInRange:{theOffset, theCount} withString:""
				 	set textStorageString to mainMessagesView's |string|() as text
				 	set theRange to (count of (textStorageString's paragraphs)) as integer
			 	end if
			 	set textStorageString to mainMessagesView's |string|() as text
				set theRange to (count of (textStorageString's paragraphs)) as integer
				 if theRange > adjustRange then
						set textStorage to mainMessagesView's textStorage()
						set textStorageString to mainMessagesView's |string|() as text
						set theRange to (count of (textStorageString's paragraphs)) as integer
						set textStorageLength to ((count of paragraph 5 of textStorageString) + 1) as integer
						set theText to (paragraph 5 of textStorageString) as text
							if ((word 1 of theText) as text) is in {"eMail", "ftp"} and theRange ≤ adjustRange then exit repeat
						end try
						tell textStorage to replaceCharactersInRange:{theOffset, textStorageLength} withString:""
					end repeat
			 	end if
This takes 10-15 minutes, for 2000 paragraphs
on scrollToEnd()
			say 1
			set textStorage to mainMessagesView's textStorage()
			say 2
			set newTextLength to textStorage's |length|() as integer
			say 3
			if newTextLength > 40 then mainMessagesView's scrollRangeToVisible:{location:newTextLength, |length|:0}
			say 4
		end try
	end scrollToEnd

Model: late 2014 i7 iMac
AppleScript: 209 (191)
Browser: Safari 603.3.8
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.12.5)