However I have found that since the Finder is always running you can tell Finder to open the application. I wanted to launch an Automator App on my web server to run a perl script to update an index database.
tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://Username:Password@IP_Address"
open file "Server HD:Applications:iTunes"
end tell
When I run this iTunes launches on the other machine. I use it like.
tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://Username:Password@IP_Address"
open file "Server HD:Users:admin:Documents:Rebuild IF Index-Quick"
end tell
The last item “Rebuild IF Index-Quick” is the name of my Automator App.
Be sure Remote Apple Events is on for the remote computer.
you can check whether an application is running on the remote machine
and open it if necessary with this (e.g for iPhoto)
tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://Username:Password@IP_Address"
using terms from application "Finder"
if "iPhoto" is not in (get name of every process) then
open application file id ""
end if
end using terms from
end tell
I Like It! It will work even better for what I need to do. The Automator workflow I’m triggering on the remote machine can take 5-10 min to run so this approach will be aware of the apps status.
Are there other options to reference the application ? (e.g. “iPhoto”)
open application file id ""
I need to trigger an Automator app named “Rebuild IF Index”
I don’t see why you would burden Finder with a request that essentially is for “System Events”.
Also, “using terms from” allows you to substitute the local app’s AS dictionary to simplify compilation over the network (you’re using it the other way around!)
So I’d suggest this:
using terms from application "System Events"
tell application "System Events" of machine "eppc://Username:Password@IP_Address"
set procNames to name of the processes
end tell
end using terms from
Good point about system events. I have switched to this on the local machine
tell application "System Events" of machine "eppc://User:Pass@IP_Address"
open file "Server HD:Users:admin:Documents:Studio Scripts:Check Rebuild Status"
end tell
which triggers this on the remote machine
set isRunning to "false"
tell application "System Events"
set procNames to name of the processes
end tell
if (procNames contains "Rebuild IF Index-Quick") then
set isRunning to "true"
end if
if (isRunning = "false") then
tell application "System Events"
open file "Server HD:Users:admin:Documents:Studio Scripts:Rebuild IF Index-Quick"
end tell
end if
I couldn’t pull the process names from the remote machine so I just trigger the remote machine to check it’s running processes and launch it if it is not running. Thanks for the input
this cannot work actually because you’re addressing System Events of the localhost instead of the remote machine.
This should work
tell application "System Events" of machine "eppc://User:Pass@IP_Address"
if ((get name of the processes) does not contain "Rebuild IF Index-Quick") then
open file "Server HD:Users:admin:Documents:Studio Scripts:Rebuild IF Index-Quick"
end if
end tell
set isRunning to "false"
tell application "System Events"
set procNames to name of the processes
end tell
if (procNames contains "Rebuild IF Index-Quick") then
set isRunning to "true"
end if
if (isRunning = "false") then
tell application "System Events"
open file "Server HD:Users:admin:Documents:Studio Scripts:Rebuild IF Index-Quick"
end tell
end if
was running on the remote machine so it worked OK, it didn’t need ( of machine “eppc://User:Pass@IP_Address” ) because the script is running on the machine that I needed to get the processes from, but I think I like your approach better as it doesn’t require two scripts and is more effecient. I added it to the end of my Automator app and it works great!