I’m bulding an app that uses InDesign CS. When I launch my app, InDesign CS also launches automaticly.
What i whant to do is to check if InDesign CS is installed in the users machine, and if it is, launch it and display a panel with a “progressindcator” while it’s lauching, then close it whn it’s done.
Dose anyone have any idea how to do something like this?
I just found this out today at the FAQ on this site (general section):
I don’t have Indesign CS but from experience all of Adobe app’s have ‘Adobe’ at the front of their name so:
ignoring application responses
tell application "Adobe Indesign CS"
end tell
end ignoring
-- insert code here for displaying panel and starting progress indicator
tell application "Adobe Indesign CS"
end tell
-- insert code here for closing panel and stopping progress indicator
on error error_message number error_number
display dialog "Error: " & error_number & return & error_message
end try
Go to http://macscripter.net/faq/general.php (and scroll down to ignoring app responses) for more information.
Actually, of course you could just do this:
-- insert code here for displaying panel and starting progress indicator
tell application "Adobe Indesign CS"
end tell
-- insert code here for closing panel and stopping progress indicator
on error error_message number error_number
display dialog "Error: " & error_number & return & error_message
end try
How silly of me.