Learn Applescript

three months ago i started to work with Macs. and the first thing i’ve tried to learn was applescript. you guys have been very very helpfull and i managed to get the authorization from my boss to study applescript in the office. so, now i want your help again…
could you recomend any downloadable books for Applescript begginers?
( i need downloadable books because i’m in Argentina an here i cannot find any tutorials or books…)



Hi! I’m a AS Newbie, too. I found a few books that were quite good and explained things clearly. WROX, as always, has a great book for programmers Beginning AppleScript. O’Reilly has AppleScript, the Definitive Guide. I got a panther version used from amazon for < $5 USD! (ISBN 0-596-00557-1)

Hanaan Rosentha’ls “AppleScript” - A compfrehensive guide to scripting and automation on mac os x, is terrific.

(ISBN 1-59059-404-5). all three are great. WROX is the most hand holding. O’Reilly dives deep and describes apple events and how they’re managed so you get a conceptual understanding of what happens when you run AS code. Rosenthal’s book is very comprehensive with lots of examples. good luck


The only ‘downloadable book’ would be AppleSript for Absolute Starters, and although it is a few years old, it is still useful.

Within MacScripter, you will find a long list of tutorials on various topics on our unScripted page. These are very useful, and most are formatted for printing.

You may also consider spending some time sorting through the AppleScript Sourcebook section for helpful hints and historical trivia.

Lastly, I still find the AppleScript Language Guide to be helpful from time to time.

Good luck, and stop back if you have more questions.