I write this here, since here is lots of Mac Developers.
Is there anybody writing guide about how Leopard changes AppleScript and anything else?
I write this here, since here is lots of Mac Developers.
Is there anybody writing guide about how Leopard changes AppleScript and anything else?
Developers who have access to Leopard seeds are under agreement not to discuss them.
Do not expect your question to be answered until after Leopard is released.
I know they have NDA, so i was asking “anybody writing guide”, meaning writing right now and publishing it ASAP when legal.
ok… high time for some activity here!
Thanks Bruce.
OMG applescripts with the first line as a shebang /usr/bin/osadecompile and saved as text files (scriptname.applescript) can be used as CLI executables once they have been chmod’ed
how cool is that.
They seem to be some nice changes so far…
¢ Long standing Tiger bug (almost) solved in Leopard:
when saving stay-open applets from the new Script Editor, they remain stay-open (mostly that is.)
¢ Finder now correctly sets zoomed of a window to true or false (http://bbs.applescript.net/viewtopic.php?id=20746)
tell application "Finder"
tell Finder window 1 to set zoomed to false
tell Finder window 1 to set zoomed to true
tell Finder window 1 to set zoomed to false
tell Finder window 1 to set zoomed to true
end tell
¢ System Events consumes MUCH more CPU load, when called intensively
¢ Release notes: “The delay command uses less CPU. [3178086]”
Why less instead of none ?
Why wasn’t it mapped to:
tell me to do shell script "sleep ..."
…in whatever form
AppleScript 2.0 has a linefeed
-- ASCII character 10
I just spotted this in the Standard Additions dictionary:
Also, the Standard Additions commands info for
, list disks
, and list folder
have been deprecated in favor of System Events.