Converting a list to a string doesn’t work the same within ASOC Xcode.
What needs done to get the correct string back?
I have a table view connected to an array controller. I then get the data and iterate thru each one removing the first two characters, but when I log the result I have returns. Tried delimiters with no success.
repeat with i in insigniaNumberData
set my insignia to ((item 3 thru 8 of i) as string)
log insignia
end repeat
2019-06-07 07:20:25.471108-0400 Retriever[17822:4828239] 4
Doing the same in the will finish launching handler I get this result…
set insigniaNumbers to {"MP112233", "AC223344", "DC334455", "CI445566"}
repeat with i in insigniaNumbers
set insignia to ((items 3 thru -1 of i) as string)
log insignia
end repeat
Current result
2019-06-06 16:12:13.245294-0400 Retriever[17260:4714616] 1/1/2/2/3/3
2019-06-06 16:12:13.246630-0400 Retriever[17260:4714616] 2/2/3/3/4/4
2019-06-06 16:12:13.247960-0400 Retriever[17260:4714616] 3/3/4/4/5/5
2019-06-06 16:12:13.249269-0400 Retriever[17260:4714616] 4/4/5/5/6/6