I have a problem. I have no problem saving the data from a table to disk.
on write to file theObject path name pathName of type ofType
– ur exempel ur data_representation.html
set informationFromEveryCelll to contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource
set theFile to open for access (pathName as POSIX file) with write permission
set toSave to {tabellData:informationFromEveryCelll}
write toSave to theFile
close access theFile
return true
end write to file
But I can’t find out how to get the data to the table with several columns from the “on read from file” It seems impossible to reverse the way I’m able to save the data to load the table again. This is the code that does not want to work:
on read from file theObject path name pathName of type ofType
set theFile to open for access (pathName as POSIX file)
set theData to read theFile
close access theFile
set contents of every data cell of every data row of theDataSource to theData
end read from file
I can’t find an discussion on the subject on the forum either. Please anyone out there - help me.
a currently verry unhappy ASS programmer