Logout Script for OS X 10.1.3

Trying to write a script to logout an OS X session so that our lab patrons dont have to go up to the apple menu and choose logout. (i.e. In sight, In Mind). I feel that I am close but not there. If anyone can help that would be great.
the script:

tell application "finder" to restart

the problem is that the script hangs on execution, however after the script is force quit finder logs out.

: Trying to write a script to logout an OS X session so that our lab patrons
: dont have to go up to the apple menu and choose logout.
I’m trying to do the same thing, but have not been able to do it. I would also love to know how to get it to log in as a specific user as well.

I’m just using the native login screen to do that and authenticating it against out labs ldap. I do have the script figured out now though.

   with timeout of 2 seconds
      tell application "finder"
      end tell
   end timeout
on error
   --not looking for an error, but it does disable an annoying error dialog 
end try