maybe a silly, or too easy question but i don’t have a clue: Is it possible to change the long user name: the “full name” in Leopard
Lot’s of tips and tricks about the short one, but i just can’t find a line or hint for the the long one…
can somebody give me some advice ?
I can’t give you a definitive answer, but I think the answer is “No”. You can create a new user and migrate from the old to the new.
Thanks for the answer… maybe not a stupid question afterall… weird that it’s impossible: because it is a so easy job to do in the system prefs…
anybody know the file where this information is stored ?
thanks in advance!
Takes a UNIX guru to do this. The first needs a single quote after the new long name and before the final double quote.
sudo dscl . -change /Users/teacher RealName “OLD long name” “new long name”
others had it with out the RealName but that did not work in 10.6