I cannot figure out how to get AppleScript to loop a Quicktime audio file. I even tried commanding a key code of option cammand L but nothing seems to work
Model: intel iMac mid 2011
AppleScript: with OS X high Sierra
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.13
error “QuickTime Player got an error: Can’t set document 1 of document "twilight_zone.mp3" to true.” number -10006 from document 1 of document “twilight_zone.mp3”
tell application “QuickTime Player”
set theSound to open file “Macintosh_HD:Users:stanlefkowitz:Video:Test:twilight_zone.mp3”
tell theSound
– present it full screen
– present it
set its presenting to false – alternative means to force full screen
set looping of front document to true
– tell application “System Events”
– keystroke “L” using {option down, command down}
– end tell
delay 12
end tell
end tell
This is the small script I was trying to get working
Did you try my script by itself or as part of your full script? If the latter, I would not expect it to work.
You can try the following, which uses GUI scripting. It works as a toggle.
tell application "QuickTime Player" to activate
tell application "System Events" to tell process "QuickTime Player"
click menu item "Loop" of menu "View" of menu bar 1
end tell
Your full script with a few changes works on my computer. I’m not able to test it on High Sierra.
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set theSound to open file "Media:Music:Various:Lady Gaga - Million Reasons.mp3"
tell theSound
set its presenting to true -- sets player to full screen
set its looping to true
end tell
end tell
tell application “QuickTime Player”
set theSound to open file “Macintosh_HD:Users:stanlefkowitz:Video:Test:twilight_zone.mp3”
tell theSound
set the presenting to false
set the looping to true
delay 24 --Play 2x
end tell
–use this to see what properties can be modified
–get the properties of theMovie
end tell
This simple script will loop an audio/video file. Problem solved
The above script will only work properly if the audio/video file has a length of 12 seconds. The following will work with an audio/video of any length:
set theAudio to "Macintosh HD:Users:Robert:Working:alarm.mp3"
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open file theAudio
tell front document
set the presenting to false
repeat 2 times
delay (duration + 2)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
I liked the idea of repeating a song N times as suggested by the OP.
Peavine correctly pointed out, the script contains a delay determining error, but he himself suggested the wrong script. I slightly tweaked the OP’s script for myself and other users, and saved it to my script library. Here it is:
property N : 2 -- looping the song 2 times
set audioHFS to (choose file of type "mp3") as text -- hfs path
tell application "QuickTime Player"
tell (open file audioHFS) -- we tell to document 1
set the presenting to false -- do not show the whole document
set the looping to true
delay (N * duration + 1.) -- N times, then quit
end tell
end tell
KniazidisR. I wrote my script as I did for a very specific reason.
Whenever QuickTime Player loops through an audio (a song for example), there is a delay of about 1 second at the end of each playing of the song. As a result, your script quits the QuickTime Player before the last playing of the song is complete and the greater the number of song repeats the earlier this occurs. Also, and this is just a matter of personal preference, I like having a short pause between each playing of the song.
The following is an example with a 20-second MP3 apparently included with Catalina. QuickTime Player quits with 3 seconds remaining in the last playing of the MP3. As things go, this is not catastrophic but I don’t find it to be a desirable tweak.
property N : 3
set audioHFS to "Macintosh HD:System:iOSSupport:System:Library:PrivateFrameworks:HomeUI.framework:Versions:A:Resources:alarm1-b238.mp3"
tell application "QuickTime Player"
tell (open file audioHFS) -- we tell to document 1
set the presenting to false -- do not show the whole document
set the looping to true
delay (N * duration) -- N times, then quit
end tell
end tell
Now, in contrast, test how my script works.
set playPause to 1
set songRepeats to 3
set theAudio to "Macintosh HD:System:iOSSupport:System:Library:PrivateFrameworks:HomeUI.framework:Versions:A:Resources:alarm1-b238.mp3"
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open file theAudio
tell front document
set the presenting to false
repeat songRepeats times
delay (duration + playPause)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
There is an error in my script which occurs when playPause is set to 0. The script works reliably for me when this value is 1, although a value of 2 or 3 may be necessary.
set playRepeat to 2
set playPause to 2 -- must be 2 or greater
set audioFile to (choose file) as text
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open file audioFile
tell document 1
set presenting to false -- do not present in full screen
repeat playRepeat times
delay (duration + playPause)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
The following script–which uses the same basic approach as KniazidisR’'s script–should be reliable and does not truncate the last playing of the selected media file.
set repeatLoops to 2
set mediaFile to (choose file) as text
tell application "QuickTime Player"
tell (open file mediaFile)
set presenting to false -- do not present in full screen
set looping to true
delay (repeatLoops * duration)
set looping to false
repeat while playing
delay 2
end repeat
end tell
end tell