Oh my god I’m going insane. I just made a new lttle test app using load sound instead of load movie doing away with the movie view and I can play sounds that way but still can’t set the volume independantly of the system volume.
It’s starting to look not even possible but that can’t be the case. Lot’s of apps have volume controls independant of the system volume.
I am pretty sure your problem is somewhere else. I’ve tried it and haven’t seen any problem with it.
From the NSMovieView Class Reference (assuming AppleScript’s ‘set volume’ is an equivalent to the ‘setVolume:’ method):
Sets the relative sound volume of the movie.
The default volume of 1.0 indicates the current system volume.
If you think there’s a difference to AppleScript then you might also try: call method “setVolume” of (… your movie view) with parameter 0.2
Here the set volume command exactly does what is expected - when setting values between 0 and 1.0 the slider is moved to the correct position and nothing is changed in the system sound settings.
Okay I must be having a problem elswhere because call method “setVolume” of (… your movie view) with parameter 0.2 is not working for me. Slider still at top. no effect. I’ll have to look elswhere.
What about when not using a movieview but just using load sound instead?
YES!!! :D:D:D That’s it!! Man, not to get to wishy washy but dude, your my hero. That’s exactly the kind of stuff I’m prone to miss. Some little punctuation mark that screws every thing up.