looping a sound

hmmm, this is interesting. I’m trying to get the sound I’ve loaded and played to loop.

I’ve got…
set soundName to “MySound.mp3”
set soundsPath to the resource path of main bundle & “/Alert Sounds/”
set AlertSound to load sound (soundsPath & soundName)
set AlertSound to load sound (path to me)
play AlertSound

And that all works fine.
I tried changing play AlertSound to play AlertSound with looping yes
But that wouldn’t compile. It didn’t like the word yes. I tried changing that to true but it didn’t like true either so I tried it just ending it at looping.
play AlertSound with looping
And the word looping turned green indicating a variable name.
That really surprised me that it didn’t even recognize the word looping.
I tried taking off the ing making it just loop but that had no affect.

Any one have any idea how to loop a sound?

Hi PolarBear,

you could use an NSMovieView to loop a sound:

set sndPath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "choose sound file")
set snd to load movie sndPath
tell movie view "mv" of window "main"
	set it's movie to snd
	set it's loop mode to looping playback -- or 'looping back and forth playback' or set this in Interface builder
end tell


that looks like I would have to put a movie view objet in the window in interface builder. Is that right?

That’s correct - but it is invisible if you don’t show visible content and hide the controls.
EDIT: I just tried for curiosity: It is even possible to set the size of an NSMovieview to 0/0 in Interface Builder and it will still do it’s job :wink:

If you don’t want this, then it might be possible to create one only when needed at runtime (will need some objective-c) or I think I’ve once read sth about a scriptable faceless application that has this feature (sorry, I don’t remember the name and have no idea if it was freeware - maybe you’re successful with google/version tracker … ?)

Or - if you don’t need a real loop - maybe continously repeating the play command is sufficient in your case? You could do this without having a blocked user interface when using the on idle handler - for example:

property alarmOn : false
global snd

on awake from nib theObject
	set snd to load sound "path/to/the/sound"
end awake from nib

on clicked theObject
	set alarmOn to (not alarmOn)
end clicked

on idle theObject
	if alarmOn then
		play snd
	end if
end idle


Wow thanx for all of the options and help. movie view is the way to go but I don’t see it in the pallet in the interface builder. where do i find that?

sorry, stupid me - i forgot to mention … :wink:

you could:

  • either use a custom view and set it’s custom class to “NSMovieView” in Interface Builder (Apple + 5)
  • or an other opportunity would be to download and install bMoviePalette: http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/bMoviePalette/index.html - it brings you a new palette with three elements: NSMovieView, SoundFileWell and a custom one (MovieEditingController)

The advantage of the second option was, that you can make some more settings for the NSMovieView in Interface Builder

Good deal. Thanks for the tip. :smiley:

I don’t understand how to install this. I expected a typical installer bundle but this looks more like an xcode project. with no installation instructions. Do I just open the poject in xcode and build it?

If there is no prebuilt palette included (‘bMoviePalette.palette’) then - yes build it in Xcode. To install the palette drag it to /Developer/Palettes/ and restart Interface Builder

That’s correct - but it is invisible if you don’t show visible content and hide the controls.

OK the looping works great but how do I hide the controls?

I’d rather not set the size of the player to 0x0 as that makes it difficult to select the movie view item in IB when editing. I’ve got it set to 20x20 which makes it big enough to have something to select in IB but when I build and run the play/pause button appears.

I’m assuming there’s some applescript command to hide the controls like with controls hidden or something?

oops never mind. I found it. it’s in the attributes pane of the inspector window in IB.

the command to hide the controls is:
set controller visible of … to false

you find a detailed description of movie view in the Studio Reference:

To select a 0 x 0 pixel element in Interface Builder you can switch the view mode of the instances tab of Interface Builder from icon to list view (using the two tiny square buttons in the upper right)

Okay now I’m trying to controll the volume of the snd being played back so before I bothered putting in a slider I wanted to make sure I could actually control the volume so I tried…

set sndPath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "choose sound file")
set snd to load movie sndPath
tell movie view "mv" of window "main"
	set it's movie to snd
	set it's loop mode to looping playback -- or 'looping back and forth playback' or set this in Interface builder
           set it's volume to 5
end tell

It compiled okay but it seemed to have no effect at all. so then i tried 0.5 and that still had no effect.

What am I doing wrong there.?

Never mind. I found it in another post. it’s…

set sndPath to POSIX path of (choose file with prompt "choose sound file")
set snd to load movie sndPath
tell movie view "mv" of window "main"
       set volume 5    --- or what ever number between 1 and 7 acording to the other post. That seems odd though. Would have thought 1 - 10
	set it's movie to snd
	set it's loop mode to looping playback -- or 'looping back and forth playback' or set this in Interface builder
end tell

Wait! That’s no good! That changes the system volume. Crap.
I want to just control the volume of the playing sound file.

Well, set my volume to 2 doesn’t work either. oh well back to the drawing board.

for setting the volume of your movie view use a value between 0 and 1.0 - then it should work as expected …

nope set my volume to 0.2 did not work either. no effect. thanks for trying.

I really need help with this. I’ve been trying different things and find several different ways that compile with out error but nothing that has any effect on the volume of playback.

Currently I have the following code in bothe the on awake from nib handler and in the on will open handler of the window containing the movieView…

tell movie view "Sound Test Player" of theObject
		set it's volume to 0.2
		set it's movie to AlertSound
		set it's loop mode to looping playback
end tell

Even tried putting this in the on launched handler…

set my volume to 0.2

Nothing so far. Please help.

Holy cow! I thought I thought of a hackish wat of doing it by using interface scripting to gain access to the volume slider that exists in the movie controller of my movie view so I launched UI browser and low and behold the controler is an unknown UI element with no children. So I can’t even get access that way.

:frowning: Why must there be a road block at every turn? /me is banging his head. thump thump thump.