M3U Playlist creator

Just started playing around with Apple Script and something I set out to do was to create an extended M3U playlist file of a folder of audio files so that I can play these via VLC instead of having to use iTunes, which I have grown tired of. Just want something simple to play tunes while I putter about on the Mac :slight_smile:

I got to this solution with a lot of trial and error (and a great deal of Google searching). I have checking if the m3u file already exists in the folder, but I have not been able to solve how to check this file for any code inside, create any missing links and skip any files already linked within the m3u file? No idea if this is something that can be done within Apple Script? Currently it will just add the new code to the end of the m3u that is already there.

If anyone else wants to use the script I have attached it and if any script masters can add to or simplify this script I’m more than welcome to hear their comments and suggestions.


-- Scripted created 13th Sept 2001 by Alan Robertson.

-- Script to create an Extended M3U playlist file out of any mp3, m4a or flac files inside the front opened Finder window and then copy the m3u files at end to Music/Playlists folder on local drive for easy access to all playlists. File will be called the name of the original folder.

property type_list : {"mp3", "MP3", "FLAC", "flac", "m4a", "M4A"} -- sets file types to look for
tell application "Finder"
	set theFolder to window 1
	set thePath to (POSIX path of (target of theFolder as alias))
	set isFile to the name of theFolder & ".m3u"
	set isThere to POSIX path of thePath & isFile as POSIX file
	if exists isThere then
		tell application "TextEdit"
			open isThere
		end tell
		set theFile to make new file in theFolder
		set fileName to the name of theFolder & ".m3u"
		set the name of theFile to fileName
		set FinalFile to thePath & fileName
		tell application "TextEdit"
			open FinalFile
		end tell
	end if
	tell application "TextEdit"
		write ("#EXTM3U" & return) to isThere starting at eof
		set mp3Files to (every file in theFolder whose name extension is in the type_list)
		set theCount to number of items in mp3Files
		repeat with i from 1 to theCount
			set oneFile to item i of mp3Files
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
			set this_parent_dir to (text items 1 through -2 of (oneFile as string)) as string
			set this_name to (text item -1 of (oneFile as string)) as string
			set this_ext to ""
			if this_name contains "." then
				set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
				set this_ext to the last text item of this_name
				set final_name to (first text item of this_name) as string
				set final_dir to POSIX path of this_parent_dir
			end if
			write "#EXTINF:0," & (final_name) & return to isThere starting at eof
			write (final_dir) & "/" & (this_name) & return to isThere starting at eof
		end repeat
		tell application "Finder"
			copy isThere to playlist
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
tell application "Finder"
	set Folder2 to window 1
	set ParentFolder to container of item 1 of Folder2
	set playlist to "Macintosh HD:Users:*user name*:Music:Playlists:" -- change to your own folder path
	set copyFiles to (every file in ParentFolder whose name extension is "m3u")
	move copyFiles to folder playlist
end tell


nice script.
TextEdit is not needed to write out a plain text file.

This version creates the files directly in the Playlists folder
and adds a bit error handling in case there is no open Finder window,
no matching files or an error occurs during the writing process.

The script assumes that the folder Playlists exists in the folder Music of the current user.

By setting the property useFinderWindow to false you can choose the source folder
without using an opened Finder window

property type_list : {"mp3", "MP3", "FLAC", "flac", "m4a", "M4A"} -- sets file types to look for
property useFinderWindow : true -- set to false for choosing the folder via Open dialog box
set playListsFolder to ((path to music folder as text) & "Playlists:") -- assumes that the folder exists !

if not useFinderWindow then set theFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
		if useFinderWindow then set theFolder to target of window 1
		set folderName to name of theFolder
		set mp3Files to (every file in theFolder whose name extension is in the type_list)
		if (count mp3Files) is 0 then display dialog "no matching music files" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	on error
		display dialog "no open window" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	end try
end tell
set playListFile to playListsFolder & folderName & ".m3u"
	set fRef to open for access file playListFile with write permission
	write ("#EXTM3U" & return) to fRef starting at eof
	repeat with i from 1 to (count mp3Files)
		set oneFile to item i of mp3Files
		set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to oneFile
		set baseName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
		write "#EXTINF:0," & baseName & return & (POSIX path of (oneFile as text)) & return to fRef starting at eof
	end repeat
	close access fRef
on error e
		close access file playListFile
	end try
	display dialog "an error occured" & return & e buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try

Thank you very much Stefan :wink:

Might take me a while to figure out everything your version does, but it does a better job than mine.
How would I go about adding in a check to see if the m3u file for the folder hasn’t already been created and saved in my Playlist folder? That, I think, would make this process complete for my use.

Again, thanks for all your help.

this checks if the file exists.
You can choose to abort the script, overwrite or append the text

property type_list : {"mp3", "MP3", "FLAC", "flac", "m4a", "M4A"} -- sets file types to look for
property useFinderWindow : true -- set to false for choosing the folder via Open dialog box
set playListsFolder to ((path to music folder as text) & "Playlists:") -- assumes that the folder exists !

if not useFinderWindow then set theFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
		if useFinderWindow then set theFolder to target of window 1
		set folderName to name of theFolder
		set mp3Files to (every file in theFolder whose name extension is in the type_list)
		if (count mp3Files) is 0 then display dialog "no matching music files" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	on error number n
		if n = -128 then return
		display dialog "no open window" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	end try
end tell
set playListFile to playListsFolder & folderName & ".m3u"
tell application "Finder"
	set playListFileExists to exists file playListFile
	if playListFileExists then
		set {button returned:buttonReturned} to display dialog "file " & folderName & ".m3u exists" buttons {"Cancel", "Overwrite", "Append"}
		set overwriteText to buttonReturned is "Overwrite"
	end if
end tell
	set fRef to open for access file playListFile with write permission
	if overwriteText then set eof fRef to 0
	write ("#EXTM3U" & return) to fRef starting at eof
	repeat with i from 1 to (count mp3Files)
		set oneFile to item i of mp3Files
		set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to oneFile
		set baseName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
		write "#EXTINF:0," & baseName & return & (POSIX path of (oneFile as text)) & return to fRef starting at eof
	end repeat
	close access fRef
on error e
		close access file playListFile
	end try
	display dialog "an error occured" & return & e buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try

Thanks again Stefan.
I think it makes sense , I’ll have to study the script more when I get home, but it seems to do everything I want and a whole lot more :wink:

Hi, I am really new to AppleScript and I wanted something to convert my folder to an M3U playlist. I run this and it keeps telling me “foldername.m3u” is not found even when I create an m3u list myself with the asked name myself. Can someone help me troubleshoot? Great program but I am just an idiot for not understanding how to use it…:frowning:

Hi solidzombie. Welcome to MacScripter.

It seems the script (creates and) writes to a file in a folder called “Playlists”, which is assumed to exist in the user’s “Music” folder. If the folder doesn’t exist, the script doesn’t create it and you get an error very similar to the one you describe.

There’s also a bug in that the ‘overwriteText’ variable used in the version in post #4 is only set if the file already exists, so there’ll be an error there too if it doesn’t.

I’ve patched up the code to create the folder and set the variable where necessary, but haven’t checked if the file format’s correct:

property type_list : {"mp3", "MP3", "FLAC", "flac", "m4a", "M4A"} -- sets file types to look for
property useFinderWindow : true -- set to false for choosing the folder via Open dialog box
set musicFolder to (path to music folder as text)
set playListsFolder to (musicFolder & "Playlists:") -- assumes that the folder exists !

if not useFinderWindow then set theFolder to choose folder

tell application "Finder"
		if useFinderWindow then set theFolder to target of Finder window 1
		set folderName to name of theFolder
		set mp3Files to (every file in theFolder whose name extension is in the type_list)
		if (count mp3Files) is 0 then display dialog "no matching music files" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	on error number n
		if n = -128 then return
		display dialog "no open window" buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
	end try
end tell
set playListFile to playListsFolder & folderName & ".m3u"

tell application "Finder"
	if (not (exists folder playListsFolder)) then
		make new folder at folder musicFolder with properties {name:"Playlists"}
	end if
	set playListFileExists to exists file playListFile
	if playListFileExists then
		set {button returned:buttonReturned} to display dialog "file " & folderName & ".m3u exists" buttons {"Cancel", "Overwrite", "Append"}
		set overwriteText to buttonReturned is "Overwrite"
		set overwriteText to true
	end if
end tell
	set fRef to open for access file playListFile with write permission
	if overwriteText then set eof fRef to 0
	write ("#EXTM3U" & return) to fRef starting at eof
	repeat with i from 1 to (count mp3Files)
		set oneFile to item i of mp3Files
		set {name:Nm, name extension:Ex} to oneFile
		set baseName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
		write "#EXTINF:0," & baseName & return & (POSIX path of (oneFile as text)) & return to fRef starting at eof
	end repeat
	close access fRef
on error e
		close access file playListFile
	end try
	display dialog "an error occured" & return & e buttons {"Cancel"} default button 1
end try