Mail, Unicode, HTML and Filemaker

I receive several Email from my students. The emails are generally in Traditional Chinese and they all come from their YAHOO accounts. Yahoo creates HTML pages encoded as Traditiobnal CHinese BIG5. The email however are replies to ready made forms they find in our website. The text in the body usually has some Traditional Chinese.

I need to clean up the HTML tags and Keep the Traditional Chinese.
Export to Filemaker Pro always keeping the Traditional Chinese.

I am never succesfull because Although Apple Mail delivers the proper encoding something always goes wrong as I do the rest.
I used several applications I found on the web, either to remove HTML tags, and to export Mboxes to tab delimited files. I always loose my Chinese text.
How to create an Apple Script wich would keep the text and purge the HTML code?
I have tried to create little Applescripscripts which convert any given text to Unicode. They always return redable text. It does so even if I copy-paste a message from Apple Mail to Test-Edit of course doing so I also get the whole HTML code, and too many different files to import in my Filemaker DB.
I guess it could be possible to create an AppleScript which reads a specific Apple Mail box, gets rid of the HTML code and converts each mail in a different record so I can import it in Filemaker Pro as UTF8 or UTF16.
One record for each email would be plenty for me: I made several Filemaker Pro scripts which split the text from one field into different field: the email text always follows te sam pattern therefore is easy to use certain words or small phrases as delimiters for the scripts which would paste the required part of the text where needed.

THank you very much for any help. I know there are very good scripters here. I am ready to support any developer in this task, but the shareware applications I found so far are not Unicode friendly …



Model: Power Mac g4 Twin processor
Browser: Safari 412.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)