Make a workflow?

Hi there gurus

I need help doing this:

  1. A hotfolder whaiting for a file
  2. File arrives from another system to /folder/2343kllg.pdf
  3. this file runs trough this script (standalone, not prepered for hotfolder)
tell application "Adobe Acrobat Professional"
	open "~Desktop:medknapper kopi.pdf" as text
	open "~Desktop:utenknapper kopi.pdf" as text
	replace pages document "medknapper kopi.pdf" over 1 from document ¬
		"utenknapper kopi.pdf" starting with 1 number of pages 25
	close document "utenknapper kopi.pdf"
end tell
  1. The output (merged file) is renamed and saved as 2343kllg.pdf to another folder

Please help me script this further, its a timesaver and i can prepare for vacation whit my children this summer!:slight_smile: