I’ve been digging around for awhile now and it seems like there are sources here, but its not clicking for me. I even found this http://developer.apple.com/documentation/AppleScript/Reference/StudioReference/sr3_app_suite/sr_app.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20011217-ASKApplicationSuite.Commands.LoadNib, but im not grasping the idea. Probably because I think it should be easier than this… but, its not.
My app. has its separate window and I have a panel for the help window, but I can’t get it linked to the Help>Application Help of the menu bar item. So if someone would be so kind to enlighten me, that’d be greatly appreciated.
Model: Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5
AppleScript: 2.2
Browser: Safari 523.10.6
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)
Have you read this?
Once you have that in your application, the Cmd-H connection should be automatically functional. If you want to use the nifty Help button, add this code into your on clicked handler:
else if butt = "help_button" then
call method "showHelp:"
Hope this helps,
My one app has a seperate help window, its only a screenshot with some explanatory text. I use this to open the window, which is just another window item in the application:
on choose menu item theObject
show window "Help"
end choose menu item
My other app has a PDF file saved inside it, the user manual, and I use this to call the Finder to open it, which usually results in Preview opening it.
on choose menu item theObject
set HelpDoc to path for resource "MyHelpDocument" extension "pdf"
tell application "Finder" to open file ((POSIX file HelpDoc) as string)
end choose menu item
Just 2 other ways to pull up very simple help files if you don’t want to use the browser sort of help.
Hey guys,
thanks a bunch. It definitely makes sense now. I went with the “on choose menu item…” route because I also have that set up for other menu items such as shortcuts.
thanks again!