Messages from Rss

how to get messages of RSS feeds?
the selection reveals such messages, but i cant access them manually.what should be changed in the script dictionary of Mail ?

tell application "Mail"
	set f to the selection
	tell mailbox "Mac OS X Tips" of account "RSS"
		get items #messages
	end tell
end tell

	-->  error number -1728 from account "RSS"

You could get the rss feed using curl and parse the XML data using System events, something like this:


on getRSSFeed(URLFeed)
	set RSSItems to {}
	set RSSFeed to do shell script "curl -s " & quoted form of URLFeed
	tell application "System Events"
		set XMLData to make new XML data with data RSSFeed
		repeat with RSSItem in (XML elements of XML element "channel" of XML element "rss" of XMLData whose name = "item")
			set end of RSSItems to {RSSTitle:value of XML element "title" of RSSItem, RSSLink:value of XML element "link" of RSSItem}
		end repeat
	end tell
	return RSSItems
end getRSSFeed

thank you very much for your awesome script!

however, i wanted to deal with Rss feeds in Mail. I suppose its not possible, so your other solution. Thanks nevertheless.
Maybe time to change rss reader.