mounting volume via IP

I need to figure out how to mount a volume using IP addressing.
I know how to mount a local appletalk volume via appletalk(mount volume “foo” on server “bar” as username “snafu” etc.). Now I need to do the equivalent of opening the chooser and clicking the “server IP address” button. I’ve tried “mount “afp://38.221.xx.xx/” and I get[Error #-50(“Error in user parameter list”) mounting volume!” I’ve also tried "mount "afp://username:userpassword/38.221.xx.xx/"I am using OS 8.6 and applescript 1.3.7
Help, I feel dumb I can’t get this to work?

: I need to figure out how to mount a volume using IP
: addressing.
I responded to this via email subscription so it may appear twice, but I didn’t see it after a little while, so I’m sending it anyway.
Put your volume name after the address:
mount volume “afp://UserName:Password@38.221.xx.xx/VolumeName”
If you get an error, restart the client and try again. I don’t know why, but if you’ve had some mount commands fail, a restart seems to be helpful.

Sorry I missed this before, uh, you need OS 9 for this.

: Sorry I missed this before, uh, you need OS 9 for this.
Thanks for your prompt response to original message. Actually, this DID work on my 8.6 machine
with ascript 1.3.7