While creating an application for our DTP department to batch manipulate certain symbols in InDesign documents I needed the functionality to mount several server volumes from within the app.
I implemented this by calling an AppleScritpt, which uses the «mount volume» command. But unfortunately this command tries to mount the volume for a long time, even if I only want to wait for 10 seconds and then abort the process. With all those deadlines I don’t want my colleagues to watch the beach ball for 60 seconds…
And here is how you can overcome the problem and successfully abort the «mount volume» command after a certain period of time. Maybe someone else can make good use of it.
1. script, named mount.scpt
mount volume "afp://user:password@"
end try
2. script, calling script 1
property volumename : "Test"
on run
-- the mount script is expected to reside in the same directory as this script
set mypath to (path to me) as text
set parentfolderpath to my getparentfolderpath(mypath)
set mountscriptpath to POSIX path of (parentfolderpath & "mount.scpt")
-- we are asking AppleScript Runner to execute the mount script
ignoring application responses
tell application "AppleScript Runner"
do script mountscriptpath
end tell
end ignoring
-- will the volume be mounted?
set volumepath to (volumename & ":")
set mountsuccess to false
repeat 10 times
if my itempathexists(volumepath) then
set mountsuccess to true
exit repeat
end if
delay 1
end repeat
-- the volume could not be mounted in time...
if mountsuccess is false then
ignoring application responses
tell application "AppleScript Runner" to quit
end ignoring
set errmsg to "The volume " & volumename & " could not be mounted."
error errmsg number 42001
end if
end run
-- I am indicating if a given item path exists
on itempathexists(itempath)
set itemalias to itempath as alias
return true
on error
return false
end try
end itempathexists
-- I am returning the parent folder path of a given item path
on getparentfolderpath(itempath)
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set itemcount to (count text items of itempath)
set lastitem to the last text item of itempath
if lastitem = "" then
set itemcount to itemcount - 2 -- folder path
set itemcount to itemcount - 1 -- file path
end if
set parentfolderpath to text 1 thru text item itemcount of itempath & ":"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
return parentfolderpath
end getparentfolderpath
Happy Scripting