How o i go about this? is this possible just usng apple script- looking to do something like:
tell application “System Events”
movemouse(0, 0)
end tell
But it always omes up with an error: System Events got an error: Can’t continue movemouse.
Any ideas?
Model: MacBook 2GHz
AppleScript: Watever it came with…
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
OK so I have downloaded and extracted the file, what exactly do i do with it? Sorry i am very new to applescript…
If i just run these lines ::
tell application “Extra Suites”
ES move mouse {0, 0}
end tell
It just goes into some kind of loop, and doesnt move the mouse.
System Events doesn’t have property movemouse, only click. so you can say
tell application “System Events” to click at {0,0}
but this will not work, you have to address an application, system events can only tell a process to do something but here is another thing to remember, the application must be activ.
tell application “System Events” to tell process “Finder” to click at {0,0}
will work as long as the finder is activ otherwise just activate it.
tell application “Finder” to activate
tell application “System Events” to tell process “Finder” to click at {0,0}
will work, but you have to address the process not the application
tell application “System Events” to tell application “Finder” to click at {0,0}