This is a script that was supplied to me on these forums it has been working well, but all the transferring of the files took place locally so a ‘Move’ command does it eactly what it says, however I now need to move it to an external drive, as a result it leaves trace of the original file.
How can I make it MOVE and remove the origial File please?
set fileMatrix to {¬
{folderName:"BHS", prefixes:{"BH70", "SM70", "AL70", "BH11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Bu", prefixes:{"BU40", "BU11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Ca", prefixes:{"CW"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Da", prefixes:{"ES20", "AM20"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Di", prefixes:{"DV25", "DV11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Do", prefixes:{"DJ30", "RA30", "DJ11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"In", prefixes:{"GT55", "CC55"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Fr", prefixes:{"FR10", "FR11", "FR17"}}, ¬
{folderName:"No", prefixes:{"TM17", "NN_"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Ma", prefixes:{"MA65", "MF65", "FI65", "MC65", "MH65", "MB65"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Pr", prefixes:{"PR_"}}, ¬
{folderName:"To", prefixes:{"TM15", "TM11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Wa", prefixes:{"WA35", "WA11"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Se", prefixes:{"SE_"}}, ¬
{folderName:"Mik", prefixes:{""}}}
tell application "Finder"
--set theHotFolder to ((path to pictures folder) as text) & "HotFolderDone"
set theHotFolder to folder "StudioA:Users:StudioA:Pictures:HotFolderDone"
--set foldericon to ((path to pictures folder) as text) & "Icons:Rejected Folder Done"
set foldericon to folder "StudioA:Users:StudioA:Pictures:Icons:Rejected Folder Done"
--set fakeTrash to ((path to home folder) as text) & "FakeTrash"
set fakeTrash to folder "StudioA:Users:StudioA:FakeTrash"
set a to alias "Scratches:Workings"
repeat with matrixItem in fileMatrix -- look for folder
set destinationFolder to (folders of a whose name starts with folderName of matrixItem)
if destinationFolder is not {} then -- found one
set destinationFolder to first item of destinationFolder -- only one destination
set theFolderName to name of destinationFolder
repeat with aPrefix in prefixes of matrixItem -- look for files
repeat with startFile in ((files of theHotFolder whose name starts with aPrefix) as alias list) -- move files
move startFile to destinationFolder
on error
display dialog "File "" & (name of startFile) & "" already exists in folder "" & theFolderName & "". Do you want to replace it?" buttons {"Don't replace", "Replace"} default button 2 with icon 1
if (button returned of the result) is "Replace" then
set {fileName, t_ext} to {name, name extension} of startFile
if exists file fileName of fakeTrash then -- and it also exists in the fakeTrash Folder.
set name of file fileName of destinationFolder to "this is a unique name" -- or whatever
set newName to my getUniqueName(fileName, t_ext, fakeTrash)
set movedFile to move file "this is a unique name" of destinationFolder to fakeTrash
set name of movedFile to newName
else -- not exists in the fakeTrash Folder.
move file fileName of destinationFolder to fakeTrash
end if
move startFile to destinationFolder
else -- "Don't replace"
if not (exists folder "StudioA:Users:StudioA:Desktop:Rejected Folder Done") then
set theLastFolder to duplicate foldericon to desktop
set theLastFolder to folder "StudioA:Users:StudioA:Desktop:Rejected Folder Done"
end if
delay 0.5
move startFile to theLastFolder with replacing
end if
end try
end repeat
end repeat
end if
end repeat
if (count theLastFolder) is 0 then delete theLastFolder
end try
end tell
to getUniqueName(theName, theExtension, someFolder)
check if someFile exists in someFolder, creating a new unique file name (if needed) by adding a suffix
parameters - theName, theExtension : a file name and his name extension
someFolder : a folder (finder item or alias)
returns : a unique name
set {counter, suffixes, divider} to {0, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "_"}
if theExtension is not "" then set theExtension to "." & theExtension
set theName to text 1 thru -((length of theExtension) + 1) of theName -- just the name part
set newName to theName & theExtension
tell application "Finder" to set theseNames to name of items of someFolder
repeat while theseNames contains newName
set counter to counter + 1 -- hopefully there aren't more than 26 duplicates (numbers are easier)
set newName to theName & divider & (item counter of suffixes) & theExtension
end repeat
return newName
end getUniqueName