Hi all,
I need to move a lot of files from one folder to another. The names of those files are listed in a comma-delimited text file (the log file from another script which compares one folder of files to another). What I have below doesn’t work: can anyone tell me why or suggest another scripting option?
Thanks, Alison
set fileContents to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a comma-delimited text file")
set theText to result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set theTextItems to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose source folder") as string
set theDestination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose destination folder")
repeat with theEPSName in theTextItems
tell application "Finder"
set theEPSFile to theSourceFolder & theEPSName
move file theEPSFile to folder theDestination with replacing
end tell
end repeat
Here’s the funny thing. When I read the text file or even paste a single filename from the text file into this script, it gets the error “Finder can’t find file” on the move. line. But if I type a new text file with all the same info in it (and read that instead of trying to read the log file) it works fine. Something must be wrong with the way my other script writes the log file because this happens every time . or somehow the log file always gets corrupted. Here’s the line that writes this log in another script:
set theFileReference to open for access theFilePath2 with write permission
write theName & "," to theFileReference starting at eof
close access theFileReference
Is there a way to write a different kind of file than this?
Thanks for your help.
This must be what the script sees. Instead of “10559.Info.eps” it sees it with a ? between each character … Maybe I can write in a line to remove all the ?, but I wonder why it has that & why I can’t see it in the text file or in the script.
I assume, theFilePath2 is an alias.
If the file doesn’t exist, you get the error
Use string path instead with this syntax:
set theFilePath to "Disk:path:to:file.txt"
set theFileReference to open for access file theFilePath2 with write permission
write theName & "," to theFileReference starting at eof
close access theFileReference
Thank you for your help, Stefan.
When I use “as Unicode text” and choose the original log file, the script just runs and runs without returning a result. Here’s what I wrote:
set fileContents to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a comma-delimited text file") as Unicode text
Ok well it did return a list of all the file names, with:
set fileContents to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a comma-delimited text file") as «class utf8»
set theText to result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set theTextItems to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
But while it looks ok in Script Editor, copying and pasting theTextItems into TextEdit looks like this: “1”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, “”, (.etc)
That must be what it really sees because later on I get the error “Finder can’t get file”
Ok. I went back and added to the script that writes the log file and rewrote the log file as utf8. Now I think I am getting the right list of file names. But something else is wrong … I get this error: “Finder got an error: Can’t make some data into the expected type.” On the line “duplicate …”. Is it the paths?
Here’s the current script
set fileContents to read (choose file with prompt "Choose a comma-delimited text file")
set theText to result
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set theTextItems to text items of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose source folder") as string
set theDestination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose destination folder")
repeat with theEPSName in theTextItems
tell application "Finder"
set theEPSFile to file (theSourceFolder & theEPSName)
--move file theEPSFile to folder theDestination with replacing
duplicate file theEPSFile to folder theDestination with replacing
end tell
end repeat
Why do you use a CSV file?
This type is good for tables with fields, but not very convenient for just a list of files.
I’d prefer to separate the file names with return characters, then you can easily read the names with
set fileContents to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file") as «class utf8»)
no further text item delimiters are required.
I guess, your problem is the carriage return at the end of the line, which is not considered in your script
Thanks, I took your suggestion about reading the paragraphs & changed the way the log file is written. I didn’t know you could use paragraphs, I just knew you couldn’t change AppleScript’s delimiters to the return, so I used the comma. (I guess I could have used quote marks when writing the log, but I thought I might use a .csv file from Excel someday - they’re easy to export & I receive a lot of Excel files). Thanks for your patience - these are my first read/write scripts.
Oh, the file I was working with wasn’t a real .csv. It’s just one long string with a comma between each file name, no spaces, no returns. I changed it though so now it is like this:
12723.Info.eps[return] … and so forth
set theTextItems to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file") as «class utf8»)
set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose source folder") as string
set theDestination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose destination folder")
repeat with theEPSName in theTextItems
tell application "Finder" to duplicate alias (theSourceFolder & theEPSName) to theDestination with replacing
end try
end repeat
Thank you Stefan, that did work, and it is much more elegant! Thanks for sticking with me on this - I am SO happy I don’t have to select and drag 1,179 items by hand and I learned some new things .
The only thing I found was that I had a blank line at the end of the text file so the script tried to copy the source folder into the destination folder as well as all the items in the list, so I added a line to prevent that & since there is the try, I gave myself an indication at the end of how many files were moved. Here’s the final one:
set theTextItems to paragraphs of (read (choose file with prompt "Choose a text file") as «class utf8»)
set theSourceFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Choose source folder") as string
set theDestination to (choose folder with prompt "Choose destination folder")
repeat with theEPSName in theTextItems
set theEPSFile to (theSourceFolder & theEPSName)
if theEPSFile = theSourceFolder then
display dialog "Encountered an empty item" buttons {"OK"}
tell application "Finder" to duplicate alias theEPSFile to theDestination with replacing
end if
end try
end repeat
tell application "Finder"
tell folder theDestination to set theCount1 to (count of items) as string
end tell
set theCount2 to (count of theTextItems) as string
display dialog (theCount1 & " of " & theCount2 & " items copied to " & theDestination) buttons {"OK"}