Can somebody tell me why this doesn’t work:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set currentlayerSet to current layer of document 1
log currentlayerSet
set currentlayerSetName to name of currentlayerSet
log currentlayerSetName
set NewLayerSet to make new layer set with properties {name:"blah"} at beginning of current document
set NewLayerSetName to name of NewLayerSet
log NewLayerSetName
move layer set NewLayerSetName to before layer set currentlayerSetName
end tell
I get the following error:
move layer set “blah” to before layer set “y”
“Adobe Photoshop CS3 got an error: Can’t get layer set "blah".”
but this does:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
tell current document
move layer "x" to before art layer "Y"
end tell
end tell
Am I missing an escape character or…?