I hope I have posted to the correct area, I am using filemaker to send email through entourage but I need it to send multiple attachments unfortunately it appears filemaker doesn’t support this. I thought the best solution would be to have filemaker generate the email and then script entourage to open the attachment dialog where I can select multiple files to attach.
So far this is what I have tried (after searching here and other areas of the web):
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set frontWindow to window 1
set currentMessage to displayed message of frontWindow
open currentMessage
set theAttachment to choose file with prompt "Select a file to attach:" without invisibles
make new attachment at currentMessage with properties {file:theAttachment}
end tell
The above works for attaching 1 file, but I need to be able to attach several files so tried the following:
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set frontWindow to window 1
set currentMessage to displayed message of frontWindow
open currentMessage
set theAttachment to choose file with multiple selections allowed
make new attachment at currentMessage with properties {file:theAttachment}
end tell
The latter code gives the following error:
Microsoft Entourage got an error: Some data was the wrong type.
I am using entourage 2008 version 12.2.0
I hope I have given enough information, I would appreciate any advise.