Multiple Buttons using the same backing script


I am trying to simplify some applescripts that I have been using as folder action scripts by using AppleScript studio to combine some of the functions. My primary reason is that the standard Applescript does not allow more than three buttons and I know have need for more than three. I am having difficulty getting each of the three selectable buttons to supply me with a value that I can use to name a folder. I will supply my original script to see if there are any ideas. As I am not scripting year 'round, I tend to lose skills in the off season. Any help would be appreciated.

on adding folder items to this_folder
	tell application "Finder"
		display dialog "What is This File's P Ship Date?" default answer "MM-DD-YY" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
		set the P_Ship_Date to the text returned of the result
		delay 1
		display dialog "Which plant is this order going to?" buttons {"TN", "NH", "LA"} default button 1
		set the Plant_Location to the button returned of the result
	end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			make new folder at folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with properties {name:P_Ship_Date}
		end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			(*be sure to change the short user name to match your user's short user name*)
			duplicate files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "vynall" of folder "Users" of startup disk to folder P_Ship_Date of folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with replacing
		end tell
	on error
		tell application "Finder"
			duplicate files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "vynall" of folder "Users" of startup disk to folder P_Ship_Date of folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with replacing
		end tell
	end try
	tell application "Finder"
		--make new Finder window to folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings"
	end tell
	tell application "Finder"
		delete files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "vynall" of folder "Users" of startup disk
		--delay 2
		--close window "To Be Printed"
	end tell
	activate application "VectorWorks"
end adding folder items to

(*Script Written and compiled by Brian Eibert, 10/11/06, REVISED 7/28/09 BK EIBERT, revised 8/6/09, BK Eibert, v2.2 10/21/09 BK Eibert, v2.3 10/28/09, commented out need for opening windows to view files, BK Eibert*)

Thank you,


Hey All,

I did some more digging and came up with a bit of a solution. I haven’t completed the process, but this has helped me along a bit:

on clicked theObject
	tell window "Cover Drawing Director"
		set the P_Ship_Date to contents of text field "P Ship Date"
		if name of theObject is "Tennessee" then
			set the Plant_Location to "TN"
			if name of theObject is "Louisiana" then
				set the Plant_Location to "LA"
				set the Plant_Location to "NH"
			end if
		end if
		display dialog "The P Ship date is " & P_Ship_Date & return & "The Plant location is " & Plant_Location
		(*end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			make new folder at folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with properties {name:P_Ship_Date}
		end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			(*be sure to change the short user name to match your user's short user name*)
			duplicate files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "beibert" of folder "Users" of startup disk to folder P_Ship_Date of folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with replacing
		end tell
	on error
		tell application "Finder"
			duplicate files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "beibert" of folder "Users" of startup disk to folder P_Ship_Date of folder Plant_Location of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Cover Drawings" of folder "Cover Logix" of disk "Scale Drawings" with replacing
		end tell
	end try
	tell application "Finder"
		delete files of folder "To Be Printed" of folder "Desktop" of folder "beibert" of folder "Users" of startup disk*)
	end tell
	--activate application "VectorWorks"
end clicked

I just had to figure out how to get the name of the button selected. I feel foolish, but you never learn if you don’t make mistakes.

Thanks, Brian


be careful with tell blocks. Tell blocks should only be used for lines which include the appropriate references.
You can distinguish buttons for example with this syntax

on clicked theObject
	set buttonName to (get name of theObject)
	set the P_Ship_Date to string value of text field "P Ship Date" of window "Cover Drawing Director"
	if buttonName is "Tennessee" then
		set the Plant_Location to "TN"
	else if buttonName is "Louisiana" then
		set the Plant_Location to "LA"
		set the Plant_Location to "NH"
	end if
	display dialog "The P Ship date is " & P_Ship_Date & return & "The Plant location is " & Plant_Location

Thanks Stephan,

I’ll try that out. I didn’t know a more elegant way to do it, since tell blocks have worked so well for me in the past.

Now if I can figure out how to make a button the default button in Interface Builder, I’ll be golden :slight_smile:


Just assign the shortcut return


It’s working quite well. I appreciate the assistance.
