With delay smaller than 4 seconds, following script blocks Music.app quitting on my Catalina. It is very strange behaviour, I can’t understand how this happens - I can’t even automate the delay with checking running property.
Any working solution to automate the delay?
tell application "Music"
launch -- or, activate
delay 1 -- little delay blocks quitting
end tell
-- NOTE: doesn't quit after this script execution even manual way)
I tried following, but it doesn’t solve the problem:
tell application "Music"
launch -- or, activate
repeat until (get its running) is true
delay 0.2
end repeat
end tell
Following doesn’t solve the problem, as well:
tell application "Music"
launch -- or, activate
get properties
end tell
It is working with Big Sur.
I can’t test it with Catalina, sorry.
KniazidisR. FWIW, all three of your scripts without modification work fine on my computer with Catalina.
Thanks for testing, @peavine.
I will try to restart my computer. Haven’t turned it off for a long time, so there may be some kind of failure.
UPDATE: I restarted my Mac. The problem remain.
With 4 seconds delay (or bigger) the script works stable. But I can’t understand why so big delay is required on my machine. Maybe, I have some iTunes leftovers, I will check:
tell application "Music"
launch -- or, activate
delay 4
end tell
KniazidisR. One thing I didn’t mention but should have is that I do not use the Music app to store or play songs. The reason I mention this is the thought that reading or other activities relating to a large song catalog might make a difference.
Is there a command other than ‘quit’ that can be tested similarly?
I have not seen such behavior with other commands yet. Fortunately.
Basically, the problem with quit is small. If there are other commands between the launch/activate command and the quit command, everything works fine. I think because they return a result as opposed to activation. I just wanted to quickly get all the properties of Music.app and quit it.
Hi, @Fredrik71.
Thanks for your post. I tried it - the properties are returned quicker, but 4 seconds problem with Music.app quitting remain. I tested this:
use framework "ScriptingBridge"
set iTunesApp to current application's SBApplication's applicationWithBundleIdentifier:"com.apple.Music"
set iTunesProperties to iTunesApp's |properties|() as record -- 1.52 seconds so far
-- delay 2.5 -- without this quitting fails (1.52 + 2.5) = > 4 seconds
tell application id "com.apple.Music" to quit
return iTunesProperties
It worked some attempts, now it fails again. The problem is - it isn’t stable.