Hello Everyone,
A few years ago someone wrote the following script for me, which I run in the background. It simply mutes the volume when I shutdown the computer (so I don’t get the “Bong” on startup):
on quit
if not output muted of (get volume settings) then set volume with output muted
continue quit
end quit
Now I’m using an external display (27" cinema – very sweet) which has speakers. I sometimes switch the sound output to the external display. If I shutdown in this configuration, my “Mute on Quit” script doesn’t work.
Can anyone suggest how to modify the above script such that, if sound output is to the external speakers, it first switches the output back to the laptop (at which point, the original script should work)? Thanks…
Model: MBP, 13" Aluminum, OS 10.5.8
AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Safari 533.18.5
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)