Myriad Tables displays dark


Does anyone have any experience with Myriad tables?

When I display a table from within Script Debugger is displays fine. But when I run it as a stand alone app the table displayed is very dark and I can’t read the text very well.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

The script basically collects the data to display then…

set theTable to make new table with data tabledata with prompt promptText
	modify table theTable grid style grid between columns column widths pattern {1, 2} OK button name "Copy" cancel button name "Cancel" with alternate backgrounds
	display table theTable

Sorry don’t know how to display an image of what I see in this forum.

I have tried disabling alternate background with no luck. The table works fine I just can’t see the data in the table section very well.




It’s displaying properly now.

Thank you very much.
