I’m using MyriadHelpers NSOpenSave & NSAlert. For my application I have an open sheet attached to my main window and once a folder is selected I’m doing other automated things. During some of these things are tests and if something is not right I want to drop as a sheet an NSAlert also attached to the main window. This doesn’t work because I’m calling it inside the openSheetDone handler and it wants to drop the new sheet before the open sheet is closed…? is there anyway around this and still be able to use sheets?
on showOpenPanel_(sender)
tell current application's NSOpenPanel to set thePanel to makeOpenAt_types_files_multiples_prompt_title_("", {"folder"}, false, false, "Choose a folder:", "My Open Title")
tell thePanel to showOver_calling_(mainWindow, {"openSheetDone:", me})
end showOpenPanel_
on openSheetDone_(theResult) -- called when panel closed
if theResult = missing value then
-- cancel button
log "Cancel pressed"
log theResult
end if
end openSheetDone_
on doThis()
showAlertAsSheet(mainWindow, "Missing Information Alert", "Missing Description.")
end doThis
on showAlertAsSheet(windowName, titleCaption, subTitleCaption)
tell current application's NSAlert to set theAlert to makeAlert_buttons_text_(titleCaption, {"Cancel"}, subTitleCaption)
theAlert's showOver_calling_(windowName, {"alertDone:", me})
end showAlertAsSheet
on alertDone_(theResult)
end alertDone_