I’m new to this forum, which I found by Google searching for AppleScript Errors.
Hopefully somebody can help me with a big Problem:
does anybody know why using display dialog “xxxxx” produces AppleScript error -10960 ?
On two machines AppleScript is working correctly, but the third one always produces that error -10960 with scripts containing the command display dialog.
That also happens with a new user account.
So AppleScript is nearly unusable on this machine.
What I did so far:
used Hard Drive Utiliy’s options
deleted AppleScript-related prefs
deleted Srcipting Additions
re-installed ComboUpdate 10.4.11
It keeps throwing that mysterious error. What else can I try?
Does the error also occur without the tell current application block?
I read your thread at ApfelTalk forum, too. I guess the error must come from a scripting addition clash
Having read this I gave it another try - and:
you were right! … just solved the problem.
By chance I found another ScriptingAdditions Folder in System/Library. Didn’t even know it was there…
Exchanged the file ‘System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/StandardAdditions.osax’ with a known good one of my working System, and the ominous error -10960 vanished in the haze.
tell you what: little things can make a man happy again…