Need an InDesign CS script

I hope that somebody will be able to help me. I am a photographer just trying to break into school photography and I want to create a master page in InDesign CS and then import a folder of photographs into a picture box and also have CS put the filename into a text box on the page too. Once one picture is imported I want a new page to be created and the next picture imported.
The aim is to be able to print the pages out and give to the parents to order.

I hope someone can help as I am a complete novice at scripting.

Many thanks in advance.

If you don’t get any takers here, you might try posting on You can post your project there and developers will bid on it.

Are you looking for direct help building a script, or willing to pay for a commercial app? I have “InDesign Image Catalog” that will do just what you want. Since I sell that I can’t say I will give out scripting help with that, but that sort of info is available here or on other forums. Go to to check out IDIC.

Sorry I haven’t replied earlier. I have found a script that will name pictures in a file, so I can use this to put the name under the pictures. I would be interested to know how much someone would charge to write a script to actually do as I asked in the first post, where I have a master page set up and Indesign would import all the photo’s in a given folder, reduce to fit in the space left for the image and then place the file name underneath and then create a new page and import the next pic in.