I have limited experience with applescript, and am trying to get the following applescript to work based on the conditions below.
tell application “MacSpeech Dictate International”
set microphone to dictation
say “yes sir” using “Alex”
end tell
display dialog “Speech Text” default answer “”
set myCommand to text returned of result
set myReturn to library's process_command(myCommand, "Speech", "Jarvis")
library's speak({true, myReturn})
if myReturn does not start with "I'm sorry" then exit repeat
end repeat
tell application “MacSpeech Dictate International”
set microphone to command operation
end tell
I got this script from http://www.projectjarvis.com, I don’t have access to the library file in question used in the above script and am trying to get it to process commands without it. What I would like to do is when I tell macspeech dictate “get mail” and have it to run the following script.
tell application “Mail”
set unreadMessages to (get every message of mailbox “INBOX” of account “Slicecomputerservices” whose read status is false)
repeat with eachMessage in unreadMessages
say “Subject.” using “Alex”
say (get subject of eachMessage) using “Alex”
say “Message” using “Alex”
say (get content of eachMessage) using “Alex”
set read status of eachMessage to true
end repeat
end tell
end repeat
is there any way I can do this, again I have basically no experience with applescript, and this is my first program I have worked on based in the language.
thanks, googleman76