Need Help With Adding Part Of Choose From List Selection Into New Vari

Hello guys,

I am trying to create an app in Automator using Applescript but am getting stuck on one part.

In my script, I have a Choose From List prompt which lists a number of items to select from. Each one of these items starts with a specific alphanumeric site code (i.e. CA01, US01, US02, etc.) and then is followed by an underscore and a more descriptive location (i.e. CA01_Vancouver).

I need to take the site code from the selected item and put it into a variable for use later in the script, but am unsure of how to do this. Can you help?


set sites to {"CA01_Vancouver", "US01_NewYork", "US02_Atlanta"}
set site_prompt to choose from list sites with prompt "select site" with title "Select site" default items {"CA01_Vancouver"} OK button name {"Next"} cancel button name {"Cancel"}
if site_prompt is false then error number -128

# set site_code to first 4 of site_prompt      ***this of course is the part I need help with as I know this is not valid code

# do other stuff here using site_code variable

Try this

set sites to {"CA01_Vancouver", "US01_NewYork", "US02_Atlanta"}
set site_prompt to choose from list sites with prompt "select site" with title "Select site" default items {"CA01_Vancouver"} OK button name {"Next"} cancel button name {"Cancel"}
if site_prompt is false then error number -128
set tid to text item delimiters -- save current state of text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to "_"
set site_code to text item 1 of item 1 of site_prompt
set text item delimiters to tid -- restore text item delimiters to saved state
# do other stuff here using site_code variable

@robertfern - Awesome, that worked like a charm! Thanks so much for your help!