New Applescripter question

I’m trying to learn applescript, and I’m not having very much luck yet. I want to make a droplet script that will rename any files I drop on it with the creation date of the same file.

Could anyone point me to s script I could steal that would start me off in the right direction.

Any advice would help.

thanks, brad

Personally I think you will get more joy and value from creating rather than copying someone else’s script - your mistakes are step 1 in the learning process, and finding out and finding out where to find out is step 2. However some pointers:

You probably already know that your main handler, in order to create a droplet, will be “on open aFile”.
I suggest that the first thing you do is to work out how to manipulate the “date” into the format you want for the file names. Start with

set myDate to (current date) as string 

You can then play around with

"myDate's word 3 & " " & myDate's word 1"

, etc until you get what you want. You need the “coercion” as string because although a date looks like text it actually isn’t and you would need to manipulate it differently - by things like myDate’s day, myDate’s weekday, etc. Try it with and without the coercion and watch in the Editor’s Result window to see what you get. Decide which you prefer.
You need to get the file’s creation date. Just as by hand in the Finder you get that from “get info” for the file

 tell application "Finder" to set fileDate to (info for aFile)'s creation date as string 

Obviously leave off the coercion if you prefer the other way.
Wow! I’ve told you much too much! Open the Editor

Thanks Andreas!

I’m gonna try what you suggested.
