on a new M1 mac with macOS 11.2.1 or 11.3 beta
Outlook 16.47
Applescripts fails if Outlook has the “new Outlook” flag checked
A simple AppleScript fails
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
name of every imap account
end try
end tell
If I switch back to the “old Look” and uncheck the new design it works again.
Another problem is the Terminal “Osascript myscript.scpt” execution on a new M1 mac Mini.
Outlook is in classic mode and checkbox “new Outlook” is switched off
From a 4th-Dimension app (signed and notarized) I call several Applescripts to get the e-mails from outlook. To execute the scripts, I call a terminal command “Osascript myscript.scpt”
On the M1 mac the line “set theBody to plain text content of currentMessage” fails on 5-10% of the emails and delays the execution to several minutes.
But If I open the script with the AppleScript Editor, then it works without errors. The Intel macs from 10.14.x - 11.3 has no problems with the mentioned line from the script.
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
set messageIDSpecifier to 440
set currentMessage to message id messageIDSpecifier
set theBody to plain text content of currentMessage
return "<mybody>" & theBody & "</mybody>"
end tell
Maybe MS reads this forum too.
Thanks Armin