Hello, I made this script because sometimes I have zip files with names what I can’t remember exactly what is the content, or I need to save some instructions or a note about something related to this file or a folder, you can use it selecting a file or folder and then run it, the script will take the name of the selected file or folder as the input name for the new text file, you can modify this name in the dialog before to create the new text file, additionally if you’re missing the .txt extension or you inputted a different extension like .srt, then the script will ask you to confirm this, please note that no matter which extension you inputted, the script will open the new file with the default app on your system, you can localize the text on dialogs/buttons and make it match with your system language.
First I was trying the script from https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2010/01/create-a-new-text-file-in-finder-with-one-click/ and it worked but now is not available and this new version is a more elegant solution.
#New Text File Here AppleScript
#2018 (ɔ) jraulc at gmail dot com
set localeString to user locale of (get system info)
#you can localize to your language here
if localeString starts with "es" then
#button labels
set okButton to "Aceptar"
set cancelButton to "Cancelar"
set txtButton to "Usar .txt"
set NoTxtButton to "Sin .txt"
#labels and dialogs
set inFileNameStr to "Por favor ingrese el nombre del archivo:"
set askFileExtStr to "Usted quiere crear el archivo: "
set noExtStr to "Sin una extencion '.txt'?"
else #default if not match with the localized language
#button labels
set okButton to "Acept"
set cancelButton to "Cancel"
set txtButton to "Use .txt"
set NoTxtButton to "No .txt"
#labels and dialogs
set inFileNameStr to "Please input the file name:"
set askFileExtStr to "Do you want to create the file: "
set noExtStr to "Without a .txt extension?"
end if
tell application "Finder"
set the currentFolder to (folder of the front window as alias)
set selectedItem to (item 1 of (get selection))
set fileName to displayed name of selectedItem as string
on error
set fileName to name of (folder of the front window as alias) as string
end try
set fullFileName to fileName & ".txt"
set createTextFile to choose file name with prompt inFileNameStr ¬
default name fullFileName default location currentFolder
set newFile to POSIX path of createTextFile
if newFile does not end with ".txt" then
set askFileExt to display alert askFileExtStr & (POSIX path of createTextFile) ¬
message noExtStr as critical buttons {txtButton, NoTxtButton} default button 2
set fileExt to button returned of askFileExt
if fileExt is equal to txtButton then
set newFile to newFile & ".txt"
end if
end if
do shell script "touch \"" & newFile & "\""
do shell script "open \"" & newFile & "\""
end tell
The link of the script exported to an app (10.11.6) with an icon and ready to add to the finder toolbar:
Greetings from the Cayman Islands.