Newbie - Create folder automatically


I’m a just arrived user to Mac and i’d like to be helped out with this little issue. I’d like to know how to use an action or script that creates a folder, with a previous name given to the script, but placed inside the folder from which the script is being executed.
I have many folders by example, Book1, Book2, Book 3… that contain pdfs. The idea is to create inside those folders another one called “Miniatures” extracting the first page of each automatically inside, without asking me where to put the files.
I hope you can help me with the automatic folder creation!

Thanks a lot!

This might help get you started. If you click on the link at the top of the script below (the one that says “Open this Scriplet in your Editor:”) it will (with your permission) open your Script Editor and copy it there. Since this script finds the path to itself, don’t run it as a script. Save it as an application (at the bottom of the save pane) and uncheck all the Options. Save it in a Test folder anywhere you like, open that folder, and then double-click the script and it will create three new folders.

-- this returns the path to the folder of an AppleScript saved as an application (but NOT as a bundle).
set d to text item delimiters -- record how they were
set text item delimiters to ":"
set f to (path to me as string)'s text 1 thru text item -2 & ":" -- adapted from script by Kai
set text item delimiters to d -- put them back as they were
set myFolder to f

repeat with j from 1 to 3
	set Fname to "Book" & j
	tell application "Finder" to make new folder at f with properties {name:Fname}
end repeat

Start there and don’t be afraid to ask questions.