I tried my first script today and have a question.
This is the script:
set mov to ((path to desktop) as string) & “heineken.mov”
tell application “QuickTime Player”
open file mov
present front movie
end tell
As far as I know “present front movie” should play the movie full screen, but it does not. The top menu bar and the dock stay visible.
When I play the movie in QTP-Pro it is totally full screen as it has to be.
Is there a solution for this ?
Thank you.
Stefan thanks,
It works, I added “activate” and the script works fine full screen. Both run as a script from the Script Editor and as an application.
As an application, there is a strange thing with QTP. QTP starts, the movie starts and after 2 seconds another movie, a promo “Apple quicktime hot picks” starts on top of the first movie. This only happens after QTP starts. If QTP is still active and I start the application, it does not happen.
Also it does not happen if I go offline, so it means this Apple promo comes when starting QTP with the application script and I’m online.
Strange and I don’t know whether it is a subject for this forum.