not full screen

I tried my first script today and have a question.
This is the script:

set mov to ((path to desktop) as string) & “”
tell application “QuickTime Player”
open file mov
present front movie
end tell

As far as I know “present front movie” should play the movie full screen, but it does not. The top menu bar and the dock stay visible. :frowning:
When I play the movie in QTP-Pro it is totally full screen as it has to be.
Is there a solution for this ?
Thank you.

this does it

present front movie scale screen

Hello Stephan,

I tried “present front movie scale screen” but same result, not full screen. Menubar and dock stay visible.
No idea how to solve.

Have you tried to start the script from the script menu, not directly in Script Editor?
And add an “activate” after the tell application line

Stefan thanks,
It works, I added “activate” and the script works fine full screen. Both run as a script from the Script Editor and as an application.:smiley:

As an application, there is a strange thing with QTP. QTP starts, the movie starts and after 2 seconds another movie, a promo “Apple quicktime hot picks” starts on top of the first movie. This only happens after QTP starts. If QTP is still active and I start the application, it does not happen.
Also it does not happen if I go offline, so it means this Apple promo comes when starting QTP with the application script and I’m online.
Strange and I don’t know whether it is a subject for this forum.

uncheck “Show Content Guide automatically” in the Preferences of Quick Time Player > General

It is ok now, thanks.