NOTICE: Major Help Needed By Any Who Can!

Hello, I am very new to applescript and think I could use its capabilities. I have 1264 individual files that I need to open, run a pitstop sction list on, save and close. Is this even possible with applescript. if so it would save me 12 hours of boredom, if now I will just start doing it manually.

I am at work and would appreciate any help.

you can respond to this post, but I would prefer an email at

please any help would be greatly appreciated.


What is a pitstop sction list?

FYI, you can watch this topic and be notified by email when someone responds. See the link at the bottom of the page. The nice thing about answering here is that the info might be beneficial to others with similar needs. :slight_smile:

– Rob

Sorry that was a typo… Should be Pitstop Action list… a plug-in for ACROBAT.

It allows you to have almost total control over a pdf file.

does that help?

and thanks for the tip.

I don’t have Acrobat so hopefully someone else can answer your question. Good luck!

– Rob

Ryan, your subject line should in some way be descriptive of the problem or task at issue.

I answer postings on this public list because I would like the whole world to know how brilliant I am. Personal responses will require a personal check. :wink:

After a quick Internet search, I found the PitStop PDF manual. The manual makes no mention of AppleScript support, so futher automation may only be possible via UI scripting, see here:

The manual also mentions a “Server” version of PitStop with a standalone application for automating Action Lists.

Arthur, do you mean to tell us that there are still people who don’t know? :wink:

– Rob

You may not require AppleScript to batch process a number of files with an action list.

I has been a few years since I worked with PitStop but I think there is batch processing with action lists built into the plug-in.

Check the manual for a chapter on automation.

There’s this one guy in Antarctica… I haven’t been able to reach him. :wink: