I’m trying to get the submenu of a menu in AppleScriptObj-C
It fails because Script Debugger keeps capitalizing the “m” in submenu when it compiles these lines
set m to menuBar's itemWithTitle:"File"
set sm to m's submenu
After I compile, the line becomes…
set sm to m’s subMenu
the “m” should be lower case or the call fails, yet I cant seem to get it to stay lowercase.
Actually, you don’t need the (), but either way it keeps capitalizing the M and yes I have all the requisite frameworks loaded, that’s not the issue.
I think i found a workaround. In another handler i have a variable called subMenu. I think that’s what’s confusing Script Debugger, because even tho it’s a local variable in the other handler, script debugger forces it in other handlers. I changed the name in the other handler to sub_menu and it stopped capitalizing and now it works.
That’s normal AppleScript behavior – nothing to do with Script Debugger. A script can only have one form of capitalisation. (It used to be that AppleScript turned all identifiers to all-lowercase internally, making different cases impossible.)
As Shane already explained, that’s standard AppleScript behavior.
If you ever notice that your variable’s capitalization changes then it’s a safe bet you already used the same variable name with a different capitalization someplace else in the script.