Coming from a Google + copy ‘n’ paste background / a very small amount of knowledge is dangerous, I’d appreciate some guidance on an issue I’m stuck on. I misunderstood the sandbox related errors in to be the source of my woes but that turns out not to be the case. Learning about ‘on error’ has been revealing! My issue is ‘NSRegularExpression doesn’t understand the “regularExpressionWithPattern_options_error_” message.’
Here’s my usage and scripts:
- I’ve decided to use a rule (I’m on 10.9.3 - Mail just has OmniGroup’s Clip-o-tron installed) which calls an AppleScript to process incoming tasks from MS TFS
- I’m using the Mail rule template for this along with a library created based on
- In ~/Library/Script Libraries/ I have FindTFSTaskinContentString.scptd (AppleScript/Objective-C Library is checked on the Bundle Contents sidebar) which is:
use framework "Foundation"
on findTask:taskPattern inContent:theContent
set theRegEx to current application's NSRegularExpression's regularExpressionWithPattern:taskPattern options:0 |error|:(missing value)
set theRange to theRegEx's rangeOfFirstMatchInString:theContent options:1 range:{location:0, |length|:length of theContent}
set contentString to current application's NSString's stringWithString:theContent
set theTask to contentString's substringWithRange:theRange
return theTask as text
end findTask:inContent:
(obviously this could/should be written more generically to make it obvious that it searches a string for a pattern match)
- In ~/Library/Application Scripts/ I have
use theLib : script "FindTFSTaskinContentString"
use scripting additions
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages these_messages for rule this_rule
tell application "Mail"
set the message_count to the count of these_messages
repeat with i from 1 to the message_count
set this_message to item i of these_messages
set this_subject to (subject of this_message) as Unicode text
set this_content to (content of this_message) as Unicode text
set this_source to (source of this_message) as Unicode text
set taskPattern to "#[0-9]+" as Unicode text
set theContent to "Task #35912: Blah blah blah" as Unicode text
set theTask to (theLib's findTask:taskPattern inContent:theContent)
using terms from application "Evernote"
tell application "Evernote"
create note with text this_subject title theTask
end tell
end using terms from
on error errStr number errorNumber
display dialog errStr
end try
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
When I trigger the script from by ‘Apply Rules’ on a message, I get the error:
‘NSRegularExpression doesn’t understand the “regularExpressionWithPattern_options_error_” message.’
However, if I use the following
use theLib : script "FindTFSTaskinContentString"
use scripting additions
set taskPattern to "#[0-9]+"
set theContent to "Task #35912: Blah blah blah"
set theTask to (theLib's findTask:taskPattern inContent:theContent)
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theTask
from the command line (as osascript testOsascript.scpt), I get the expected output (“#35912”).