Numbers 09 Data Table to see "what if..." in a formula or math model


I’d been working with AS for a couple of weeks. I was looking for a way to do in Numbers what Excel does with the “Data/Table” function, that is to know how a result or function depends on certain parameters. How sensitive it is to each one (a sensitivity analysis You start with a model of something -in my example a store- where you have a result (Revenues, Tax, ) that is a function of 2 (or more) parameters (Price, Quantity, Fix Cost…).
You are supposed to start the script from the sheet you are working on. It requires to have 2 (or more) tables. One with the model parameters and results, formulas, etc. The second contains only the table with a reference to the result we want to analyze in cell A1. Something like “=Tabla Parametros :: C15” where “Tabla Parametros” is the first table. In the rest of column “A” (“A2:Ann”) must be the values we want the first parameter (I called it X) to take. In the rest of row 1 ((“B1:zz1”) the values for the second parameter (Y). The space inside row 1 and column A is reserved to the results of the function.

When you run the script you are prompted to select:
1-. the Table with the model,
2-. the X parameter
3-. the Y parameter
4-. the second table where it is going to display the results.

The script is very basic, with no error handling, and would like to improve the dialogs, and other capabilities.

Here it is

on buscar(docu)
	tell application "Numbers" to tell docu
		set HojaActiva to first item of every sheet
		repeat with Hojax in every sheet
			tell Hojax
				set TablaActiva to item 1 of every table
				repeat with Tablax in every table
					if exists selection range of Tablax then
						set TablaActiva to Tablax
						set HojaActiva to Hojax
					end if
				end repeat
			end tell
		end repeat
		return {TablaActiva, HojaActiva}
	end tell
end buscar

on SeleccioneRango(Documento, Hoja, Tabla, Mensaje)
	tell application "Numbers" to tell Documento to tell Hoja to tell Tabla
		activate "Numbers"
		set selection range to range "A1"
		set ActualRange to name of selection range
		display dialog Mensaje with title "OK & Select" (*giving up after 1*)
		set waiting to true
		repeat while waiting
			if selection range's name is not ActualRange then set waiting to false
		end repeat
		set NombreRango to name of selection range
		tell AppleScript to set text item delimiters to ":"
		set NomCelda to first text item of NombreRango
		set NomCeldaX to second text item of NombreRango
		set Celda to cell NomCelda
		set rango to range NombreRango
		if NomCelda is equal to NomCeldaX then
			return Celda
			return NombreRango
		end if
	end tell
end SeleccioneRango

-----aqui comienza

tell application "Numbers"
	set DocumentoActivo to document 1
end tell

set Ubicacion to buscar(DocumentoActivo)

set HojaActiva to second item of Ubicacion
set Tabla to first item of Ubicacion

set nombreTabla to name of first item of Ubicacion

tell application "Numbers"
	tell DocumentoActivo
		tell HojaActiva
			set TablasDisponibles to {}
			repeat with Tablax in every table
				copy name of Tablax to end of TablasDisponibles
			end repeat
			set NombreTablaActiva to (choose from list TablasDisponibles with title "Select & OK" with prompt "Select Model Table" without multiple selections allowed) as text
			set TablaActiva to table NombreTablaActiva
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

set Texto to "Select Vertical Variable Parameter (X)   "

set CellA to SeleccioneRango(DocumentoActivo, HojaActiva, TablaActiva, Texto)

set Texto to "Select Horizontal Variable Parameter (Y)"
set CellB to SeleccioneRango(DocumentoActivo, HojaActiva, TablaActiva, Texto)

tell application "Numbers" to tell DocumentoActivo to tell HojaActiva
	repeat with Tablax in TablasDisponibles
		if Tablax is not equal to NombreTablaActiva then set DefaultTable to Tablax
	end repeat
	set NombreResultados to (choose from list TablasDisponibles with title "Select & OK" with prompt "Select Results Table" default items DefaultTable without multiple selections allowed) as text
	set TablaResultados to table NombreResultados
	tell TablaResultados to set Funcion to cell 1 of row 1
	set CeldasX to count cells of column "A" of TablaResultados
	set CeldasY to count cells of row 1 of TablaResultados
	set i to 1
	set j to 1
	tell TablaResultados
		repeat with j from 2 to CeldasX
			tell column "A"
				set value of CellA to value of cell j
			end tell
			repeat with i from 2 to CeldasY
				tell row 1 to set value of CellB to value of cell i
				tell row j to set value of cell i to value of Funcion
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

I’d enjoy a lot learning this. I get a lot of information from this and other forums. So thanks.

Here is a sample Numbers document to test it