I’ve made a script here to:
Take a paragraph text in B2, make a list where every sentence is one item (split in the “.”)
Create as many rows as the length of the lists and put each sentence in one row, starting in C2.
Merge the rows in B to make the full paragraph in B2:BX (merged) and each sentence in a separate row in C2:CX.
Then it goes to the next item in B (it was B3 before, but now is BX + 1) and do the same.
Okay, it’s working, no problem, BUT I can keep the period at the end of the sentences because of my “split to list”. Sure, I can add the period when setting the value of each cell, and in the last item, replace the “…” by “.” (because the last item keeps the “.”
Is there a way to split and keep the “.”? Maybe is very basic but after hours here working I think I’m not seeing something.
The full script is below, if you want to see.
tell application "Numbers"
tell table 1 of active sheet of document 1
set selection range to range "B2" -- select place to start
set totalLinhas to row count
set linhaFinal to 2
repeat row count - 1 times
set colunaInicial to 2
set linhaInicial to linhaFinal
-- get the text
-- set theText to cell "B2"'s value as string
set celulaInicial to "B" & linhaFinal
set theText to value of cell celulaInicial as string
set myList to my theSplit(theText, ". ")
set listSize to count of myList
-- add rows -------
repeat listSize - 1 times
add row below row linhaInicial
end repeat
-- take every item and put in one row
repeat with a from 1 to (length of myList)
set linhaAtual to a + linhaFinal
set theCurrentListItem to item a of myList
set value of cell (colunaInicial + 1) of row (linhaAtual - 1) to theCurrentListItem
end repeat
-- merge column B and add row
set thisRangeName to "B" & linhaInicial & ":" & "B" & (linhaInicial + listSize - 1)
set the selection range to range thisRangeName
try -- because if the source has only one sentence, will be just one row and won't merge
merge range thisRangeName
end try
-- set range final
set thisRangeName to "B" & (linhaInicial + listSize)
try -- because if it will be the last row, it won't work
set the selection range to range thisRangeName
end try
set linhaFinal to (linhaInicial + listSize)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on theSplit(theString, theDelimiter)
-- save delimiters to restore old settings
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
-- set delimiters to delimiter to be used
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
-- create the array
set theArray to every text item of theString
-- restore the old setting
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
-- return the result
return theArray
on error
return theString
end try
end theSplit