A magic square is a square array of integers arranged so that the rows, columns, and main diagonals all have the same sum. For odd-number-sided basic* magic squares of order 3 or more, there’s an algorithm devised by De La Loubère in the late seventeenth century to construct one. For an elegant step-by-step illustration of how De La Loubère’s algorithm proceeds in its staircase fashion see:
- A “basic” magic square, by the way, starts with a 1 and is constructed with all the numbers required to fill the grid in sequence (e.g., for a 5-sided square, the numbers run from 1 to 25 with the “1” centered in the top row and the “25” centered in the bottom row).
The algorithm starts with 1 in the center cell of the top row, and assuming wrapping from side to side and top to bottom it follows this procedure:
- From the starting 1 in the top center cell, move one cell up and one to the left.
- If the cell is not zero (empty), write the next number in sequence and continue.
- If the cell is not empty, move down one cell in the column and test again.
- Repeat steps 1 through 3 until all cells are filled.
When completed, the sum of any column, any row, or either diagonal is given by:
Sum = (N^3 + N) / 2.
From: http://www.markfarrar.co.uk/msqodd01.htm where C and Python versions are given as well.
The script below uses display dialog to display the magic squares up to order 9. It gets ugly after that. This is just the outcome of translation from the Basic program given in Farrar’s site to AppleScript. It does seem that the staircase might have been better generated with modular arithmetic, but I didn’t come up with a way to do it given the necessity for wrapping and for dropping down one row if a target square is filled. There is a complementary magic square for any of these as well – just subtract each entry from N^2 + 1. It has the same sum, of course.
repeat -- check for a number, that it is odd, and that it is larger than 2
set N to text returned of (display dialog "Enter an odd number larger than one" & return & "as the number of rows and columns of" & return & "a magic square." default answer "")
set N to N as integer
on error
display alert N & " is not a number! Exiting now."
end try
-- check for 3 or more and oddness.
if (N < 3) or ((N mod 2) = 0) then
display alert "The number must be odd and greater than 2."
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set SQ to return -- just to avoid the leading quotation mark.
-- Create a list of N^2 items filled with zeros.
set SQ to {} -- holder for the answer.
set NumCells to N * N
repeat with k from 1 to NumCells
set end of SQ to 0
end repeat
Find the starting point; the staircased magic square cell that is one step backwards from the center of the top row so the algrorithm will move to it as its first step and place a 1 there.
set idx to ((N + 1) / 2) + (N - 1) -- the index of the square one move back from the center top cell in the algorithm's sequence , i.e., the first step of the repeat loop will set the index to that of the center top cell.
-- The loop to execute the staircase.
repeat with j from 1 to NumCells
set idx1 to idx - (idx div N) * N
if idx1 = 0 then set idx1 to N
set idx2 to ((idx - idx1) / N) + 1
if idx1 = N then
set idx3 to 1
set idx3 to idx1 + 1
end if
if idx2 = 1 then
set idx4 to N
set idx4 to idx2 - 1
end if
set idx5 to ((idx4 - 1) * N) + idx3
if idx2 = N then
set idx6 to 1
set idx6 to 0
end if
if item idx5 of SQ ≠0 then
set idx3 to idx1
set idx4 to (idx2 + 1) - (idx6 * N)
end if
set idx5 to ((idx4 - 1) * N) + idx3
set item idx5 of SQ to j
set idx to idx5
end repeat -- end of staircase loop.
-- Now the list of the numbers, needs presentation as text.
set AddsTo to ((N * N * N) + N) / 2
set Magic to ""
repeat with p from 1 to NumCells
set cell to pad((item p of SQ) as text)
set Magic to Magic & cell & tab
if p mod N = 0 then set Magic to Magic & return
end repeat
display dialog Magic & return & "The sum is " & AddsTo
to pad(x) -- just to make the dialog box look a bit better.
if (length of x) < 2 then
set x to space & space & x
return x
return x
end if
end pad