set rm to "eppc://"
set the eingabe to ""
display dialog "Volume(0-7), iTunes(1-Start, 2-Ende, 3-Play, 4-Stop)" default answer the eingabe buttons {"Abbruch", "Volume", "iTunes"}
copy the result as list to {the eingabe, the button_pressed}
if the eingabe is not "" then exit repeat
end repeat
if button_pressed = "iTunes" then
tell application "iTunes" of machine rm
if eingabe = "2" then
end if
if eingabe = "3" then
end if
if eingabe = "4" then
end if
end tell
end if
if button_pressed = "Volume" then
tell application "Finder" of machine rm
if eingabe = "0" then
set volume 0
end if
if eingabe = "1" then
set volume 1
end if
if eingabe = "2" then
set volume 2
end if
if eingabe = "3" then
set volume 3
end if
if eingabe = "4" then
set volume 4
end if
if eingabe = "5" then
set volume 5
end if
if eingabe = "6" then
set volume 6
end if
if eingabe = "7" then
set volume 7
end if
end tell
end if
This script works on my own mac but not on a remote mac.
Remote Apple Events is on.
volume is ok and works
but itunes didn’t work:
“play” is a variable while running on remote but on my own it is the play command. why?
but stop is markt as command (blue) but it didn’t work too
quit is ok while itunes is running
if itunes is closed and i try the itunes button
nothing happens, apple script writes: iTunes got an error: Cannot find process an host.
thanks for your help