My scripts gets lots of errors because i dont use onerror…try…enderror. I want to create simple error handler that simply relaunches this same script when any error occurs. Also where can i find error codes explained?
Hi cirno
IMHO it would be better to implement a fair error handling.
Otherwise, in worst case you get an infinite loop of your script restarting continuously
You can catch an error and display error number and message with
– do something
on error e number n
display dialog "Error number " & (n as string) & " occured " & return & quote & e & quote
end try
Further to Stefan’s good advice, if you want to repeat an error-prone operation, then you should limit the tries and announce success or failure:
property Tries : 0
on run
repeat while Tries < 4
if doErrorProneThing() then
display dialog "Done"
set Tries to Tries + 1
end if
end repeat
display dialog "Process Failed after " & Tries & " tries" --> 4 tries in this case
end run
to doErrorProneThing()
error -- comment out this line to test success
return true
on error
return false
end try
end doErrorProneThing